Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Its TEETH-HURT TIMEEE! (hurrhurr)

...yes, yes that was a Jersey Shore pun. Although is anyone still watching/interested? I only just finished the finale/& reunion today, and usually I'm the one to religiously wait until 5pm on a Friday to watch the newest uploaded episode. Unfortunately it seems to have become suddenly, extremely boring - lets hope season 5 returns to its trashy and brilliant former glory!!

BUT! The main event - my braces are now on. My god,  I have never been in more pain in my entire life. It's not so much a horrible excruciating "I cant bare to live" kind of pain - more so a "I can feel that I'm in a lot of pain but cant place exactly where its hurting, nor do anything about it". Absolutely awful. To make it worse, due to the fact the braces are on the inside of my teeth, my poor tongue has been ripped to shreds. 

Day 1: I was pleasantly surprised - I'd anticipated absolute agony. It wasn't too bad at all, the braces didn't interfere with my tongue too much, I was able to chew and only had the slightest lisp - even worked all day! 

Day 2: Stupid me forgot to put in the protective 'wax' during the night, thus the next morning I woke up in sheer pain whilst chewing the sides of my tongue to death. This caused major swelling and blood loss - to make it worse my lisp was about 50x more intense. The worst part however was the throbbing pain - nurofen plus could only do so much!

Day 3: was very much like day 2, but more infuriating. I shed a few frustrated tears at work,  mainly because eating mushy foods was messing with my sanity and I waned out of this braces deal stat!

Today: It's getting better! the cuts are really painful still, but I've improved my newly formed speech impediment. Still about ready to rip these off my teeth but, in the interest of straight beautiful teeth, I'm sticking it out!! To be perfectly honest I feel like a teething baby - I would kill to dig my teeth into a giant steak!! (worst vegetarian ever!) 

Here's a picture of Day 4 - after I'd just finished work. Not feeling too peachy but I forced a grimace. The quality is shabby too, but at least you can see a SLIGHT improvement with my snaggle tooth!(?)

Will update next week on progress! Until then, lots of sobbing and pain killers!! 

Pain is Beauty!

Bisous xx

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